Industrial Technology

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Like digital tracing paper, the new Masterpiece app for Osmo's iPad accessory lets you draw with pens and pencils while using the screen as a guide.

An update to Twitter's policy prohibits the posting of so-called "revenge porn." But to actually enforce it would require a fundamental change to what Twitter is. The post Twitter Finally Banned Revenge Porn.

Google Code was supposed to spread the open source religion. But then GitHub came along. And GitHub, it turns out, was a much better preacher.

Music videos are doing their best work when watching them makes the song even better, and we've got a lot of that going on in this week's music video roundup.

Snapchat's star continues to rise, and now, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is hoping to hitch a ride.

For the first time since November, it’s time to see if the Philae comet lander is awake and ready to get back to work.

Powers, the latest entry in the capes-and-tights genre, is a big leap forward for Sony's PlayStation Network—and, sadly, also a huge misstep.

Kyuha Shim is exploring how we can use data and parameters to create visual systems.

Kyuha Shim is exploring how we can use data and parameters to create visual systems.

Despite scientific evidence showing that food from Fukushima is safe to eat, fear persists.



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